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August 05, 2003 - 6:56 pm

Uh oh, people. Taydo has a scanner.

I was sitting in class today wiping the saliva from my face that I wasn't swallowing it feels like someone was exfoliating my throat when I finally came up with a design for my final project (and by "final" I mean final. Like, the last project I'll ever have to do at this school. Pardon me while I go jerk off to that last sentence). Anyway, the idea I have would require the use of a scanner. I did not own a scanner. What's a boy to do? He's to call his Mother the instant he gets out of class and tell her about this grand idea he has and how he won't feel fulfilled artistically and emotionally if he can't do the project exactly as he envisions it in his head. And then Mother told me that she would buy me the scanner if I promised that I would do some photo-retouching for her when I get home. But, in the meantime, I'll just sit over here and SCAN EVERYTHING THAT WILL FIT BETWEEN THE BED AND THE COVER.

I have two things to show you tonight. The first is from ages ago. Let me find the link. Here you go. It's the last letter at the bottom. This is Tabitha! And that's me on her lap! And if you can't read her handwriting, the card read: 2: Taylor w/ lots of Love [insert exclamation point with a heart instead of a dot at the bottom here] Tabitha [Last initial that could be a G or an H or a G connected to a lower case J]. I will forever cherish the time I spent with Tabitha.

And now, from just the other night, this is the resultant picture from the time I spent in the Photo booth with JoAnn Boobies! JoAnn boobies and I both look moderately psychotic in the first one. JoAnn Boobies, because she's dedicated, carried that theme down into pictures two and three. I honestly don't know what I'm doing number three. And number four? Let's not go there.

On a related note, how fucking hot did my hair look that night?

Because I feel terrible, I'm going to publicly apologize to Connie now. Connie, I'm very sorry I told you that I didn't like Pleasantville. Obviously I was temporarily out of my gourd. You seemed genuinely angry the other night when I told you that I did, in fact, enjoy the movie. Honestly, how can you hate the movie? How can you hate something that's cute and funny and wears really short shorts? Oh, I'm sorry! I just confused the movie with Paul Walker in the movie!

I'm still not feeling well and Will & Grace (and the kick-off of Tuesday night's Homovision) starts in 5 minutes so if you don't mind I'll see myself out now. No need to get up.

Ta da



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