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August 06, 2003 - 6:38 pm

Damn! Did you see the episode of Trading Spaces (I don't know when it first aired for I've missed the past few weeks' premieres) where Doug totally rips his homeowners a couple of bright and shiny new assholes? I was on the edge of my seat! I loved every second of it! The lady was all, "No, Doug, I don't want you touching their hardwood floors!" and Doug was all, "Shut the fuck up you stupid, ugly bitch! I'm the designer! Me! ME!! Not you! You have bad taste! I have good taste! If you wanted to work with someone with bad taste then you should have called Frank!" Okay, so he kind of didn't say those things but you know he was totally thinking them.

How about last night's Homovision, huh (Also, I've just officially added "Homovision" to my Microsoft Word dictionary so it's all official now)? Actually, I was a little disappointed in last night's display. Will & Grace was fabulous, of course, as it is every weeknight at 7 and 7:30 and additionally at 9 on Thursdays. Boy Meets Boy is still leaving me with a lot to be desired. It all seems so canned. Artificial. Like, when James was having trouble climbing up the side of that (pathetic) rock and he got stuck and Wes said, "Come on, you can do it." And then, James was all, "Oh, Wes really impressed me! The way he was so supportive was so touching!" Listen, homo. If I was stuck on the side of a mountain and the guy who was climbing it with me just blew by me without even stopping to help I wouldn't then go and call him "supportive".

And how about the fact that he said that Darren was "young" (he's 24), but the guy he's pursuing (Franklin) is younger (23), unattractive, and STRAIGHT. And then, the elimination? What? Paul was straight? Oh, gee! Knock me over with a mother-fucking feather. It was so obvious that I think it would have been more entertaining had they revealed not his sexual orientation but his real age (which is clearly 14).

I want him to pick Robb. Robb is super-duper funny and just check out this bit from his official Boy Meets Boy bio: "Robb's strategy for winning 'the date'� wearing a t-shirt that says 'Sure Thing.'" Um, hello. Displaying pertinent messages on your t-shirt? Yeah, I'm all about that.

Lastly, the cast page is up.

Ta da



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