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April 07, 2003 - 10:00 pm

Two night�s ago The Canadian and I had a sleepover. Yesterday morning I was sleeping peacefully in my bed when, at precisely 9:30am I was awoken to the sound of some pretty intense buzzing. I shot up and out of bed faster than I ever knew was possible. My heart was racing. My brain was racing. I was saying to myself, �Taylor! Fast! Get out of bed! You need to shut your vibrator off before [The Canadian] hears it! You�ll be so embarrassed if he finds out you have a vibrator! You�ll be mortified! Just find it and shut it off!� And then I said, �Taylor, you don�t own a vibrator�, realized it was just an early-morning call from Mother on my cell phone that I�d failed to shut off the night before, and crawled back into bed.

This vibrator themed entry is dedicated to Kate and Fulminous.

Ta da



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