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September 22, 2003 - 2:34 pm

Rumor has it that, at one point or another, I actually kept a moderately entertaining diary! Well! I'm here to squelch that dirty rumor!

The most exciting thing I've done since I last updated was change the default font of my NotePad. I know that jumping right to the climax doesn't make for good story-telling but I've never claimed to be a skilled raconteur.

Actually, I watched the Emmys last night. That was marginally entertaining. I'm really a bigger fan of the E! Live From the Red Carpet Preshow, but I do like to be on the up-and-up when it comes to the winners and losers of the fair television community. My love goes to Debra Messing for winning the Emmy for best actress in a comedy, for her charming acceptance speech, and for looking like a knock-out in that copper-ish brocade gown. Yum. Naturally, Sarah Jessica was the belle of the ball in pink Chanel, but her co-star, the usually fashion-savvy Kim Cattrall looked like a diamond-dusted whore in her bizarrely cut gown. Better luck next time, Kim.

And it appears that I'm channeling Melissa Rivers. Not Joan Rivers. Joan Rivers is funny. Melissa's the boring one. (And boy howdy, was Joan on fire last night or what? The feathers! I loved the feathers! I'd make a joke about it, but I think they were all pretty much covered by every celebrity she interviewed)

You know, I had a realization the other night. It's something I've always known, but it really hit me while watching The Nanny. I hate hearing the words "I love you"! Hate! Just typing it makes my stomach do a flip! I don't know how this happened or when it happened but I know I've felt this way for a long time. Now, I don't verbally announce my love for many people, but when I do, I can't say "I love you". I can say "love you", but not "I love you". Is that strange? Why does that one little pronoun/letter have such a strong effect on me? Even if I hear it on TV I turn into a little kid hearing his parents talk about sex and crinkle up my face and block my ears and everything! Geeze louise, people, I'm going to have to get over this at some point.

And then I just realized that I tell my dogs that I love them all the time. I can say "I love you" to my dogs, but not Mother! I don't even say "love you" to Mother. I haven't told her I love her in years! Ages! I'm a bad, bad person and I deserve the worst.

This diary thing ain't cuttin' it for me right now. How about we do this? How about we take a break? How about we don't write in here until we get back to Massachusetts? Deal? Oh, I think it's going to be lovely!

(Of course, every time I try to take a break I end up writing within two days, but let's give it another whirl!)

See you in seven days!

Ta da



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